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Music Mixing


Mixing Engineer




Surveyed the art and craft of mixing records, with special attention to "mixing in the box"; i.e. via digital audio workstation. Examined respective methodology and techniques with a particular focus on establishing balances, using such tools as compression and automation to enhance dynamics and develop unique coloration.


Some of my takeaways from the course:

- Making sound creative decisions while explaining and defending them

- Evaluating the artistic and pragmatic functions of mixing recorded music

- Developing artistic and technical self-sufficiency in all areas of mixing records

- Understanding the mixing environment and executing competitive mixes

I later utilized these mixing methodology and techniques to execute my own mix for the band, Coco, after conducting a live recording with them alongside a team of engineers at WNYU's recording studio.

00:00 / 04:38
00:00 / 04:24
00:00 / 04:48
00:00 / 02:57
Coco - Alive in the Basement: WNYU Sessions:

Coco - Alive in the Basement: WNYU Sessions

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